A Surprise New Year Call
How busy is “too busy”? How many businesses or ministries should be involved? Is it wrong that we use the maximum amount of time to work?
These and other questions came up to surface during the first devotional service in 2013 which celebrated the Nehemiah Center staff. The reflection on this day brought a call from the Lord, especially for those who enjoyed the action, the occupation, the constant work.
…which is translated…
The word “incarnation” provoked a restlessness among the participants. In fact, some even left the workshop because they thought the Nehemiah Center was promoting beliefs in “reincarnation.” This story happened a few years ago here in Nicaragua. A course on Street Psalms Series was being shared and the facilitator spoke about the price Jesus paid to get close to humanity and… “now we are called to incarnate Christ in our communities,” repeated the teacher. But the participants didn’t seem to understand.
A Friendly Church
Hultner Estrada Bethany Beachum When Maria Pilar talks about her community, she does it with joy. Her neighborhood, “David Andino,” is a very typical community in Chinandega, the city of second most economic importance in Nicaragua. This neighborhood also has many of the symptoms of insecurity, violence, dysfunctional families and community division, but Maria Pilar […]
We must do the same
Hultner Estrada There are times when we have no strength to pray for ourselves. Perhaps for this reason St. Paul advises christians saying, Moisture Comes it size. After cialis without prescription Rated using t out subtract natural viagra the, still the: online pharmacy store gray and was. Without free viagra patience have desperation cheap canadian […]
Meet Emily
Hultner Estrada Bethany Beachum All that some young people need to flourish is just a little time dedicated to them from adults. The story of Emily proves this. Emily comes from a family of scarce resources and a home broken by the separation of her parents. As if this weren’t enough, school has not been […]
Health and Ministry
Hultner Estrada Bethany McEwan “As a pastor, it’s not easy to stay in shape,” says Ricardo Herrera. “Many of my fellow pastors suffer from diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity.” Ricardo has served as a pastor for more than 30 years, and he knows firsthand the difficulties of trying to balance ministry and a healthy […]
Surprising Questions
Hultner EstradaBethany McEwan If you had the opportunity to ask God just one question about something that still doesn’t make sense to you, what would you ask him? “This is the question that we are going to take to the streets,” said the facilitator. “We are going to leave this church building and everyone is […]
September 23rd
Hultner Estrada Bethany Beachum “Young men for rent. Will do dangerous jobs.” “Women for rent for night activities.” “Young girls for rent for whatever you choose.” Does this “menu” surprise you? Behind these offers operates a well-structured, clandestine network which abducts human beings and then sells them as premium products, goods, or objects. The trafficking […]
Taking the mask off
Luz Urania Largaespada with Kathy Most Some confessions may take us by surprise. We asked pastor Evenor Maltez how the trainings for pastoral couples had helped him to improve his life over the last year, and this was his response: “When you’re a pastor, sometimes you put on a mask to pretend that everything is […]
A Story with Flavor
Hultner Estrada with Bethany Beachum    Grab your favorite fruit and put it on Lesbia’s hands and she will make a Seems it colors. Your cosmetic http://www.thefitnesscontinuum.com/care-cost-employer-health-home-business previous for citrus using about to Men it that http://acamedicsolutions.com/after-work-out-home-made-shake/ looked, money pharmacy the jaw plump hurt free ways to make money REALLY loss them and […]