A messy joy

After an entire morning’s work of painting playground equipment, the team came back for the afternoon to find their flawless paint job partially ruined! However, no one got discouraged. Why?

Timothy Institute: Faithful and Fitting

“If a plant isn’t watered, it can’t extract nutrients from the soil. The Timothy Institute has been that water to me, helping me to extract many things that were already there but that I couldn’t reach on my own,” explains Pastor Denis, who has been in pastoral ministry for 23 years.

The Work of the Lord vs. the Lord of the Work*

Ministry idolatry is becoming increasingly widespread in evangelical Christianity, reaching epidemic proportions. It is showcased at network and denominational gatherings, where the focus and conversation is often not about Jesus but about us and what we are accomplishing and achieving.

Esteli: A Changing City

Getting to know EstelĂ­ is to connect with a very natural, pleasant, and friendly Nicaragua. Getting to know EstelĂ­ is also to witness the fragility of our ecosystem and our future as a country. The advancement of the agricultural frontier threatens to wipe out the forests in this region, while crime and narco-trafficking activity eat away at the peaceful lifestyle that has characterized this city for so long. The situation is not completely bleak, however. God is doing new things in this city.

Transforming Neighborhoods from the Inside Out

Bethany Beachum In a world where the population is becoming increasingly urban every day, what does it look like to respond to this reality? According to one study, civilization crossed a landmark in 2008 with half the global population now living in urban areas. Fifty years ago it was 30%. A century ago it was […]

A significant change

Four years ago, Adilia was single with two children when she first met Noel. They fell in love and decided to marry. But in four years of living together, they still didn’t understand one another. ”We talked often but of things of little importance,” shares Noel, who along with his wife decided to take the course “Restoring the Original Model” along with other couples in their city. They shared with us some lessons they have learned and some little changes they have made to their relationship.

Cooling the atmosphere

Fatima asked to speak when we were about to leave the room. The heat was extreme under that metallic roof, it was 1:00 pm and the temperature reached 97 Âş F. But what this girl had to say would cool our hearts in an unexpected way.

In fights between husband and wife…

“In fights between husband and wife, no one should meddle,” is a phrase that is often used to justify poor relationships in marriages. It is also used to keep acts of inexplicable abuse in secretive silence, making it a difficult task to differentiate between normal behavior and mortal behavior in a relationship between husband and wife.

Correctly Handling the Word of Truth

That is what would describe the recent 2 day Timothy Leadership Training that took place at the Nehemiah Center on January 24th and 25th. The topic of this module was “Biblical Preaching”. How amazing it was for several pastors and leaders from León, Chinandega, and Managua to learn more effective methods for preaching and teaching.

New Horizons

Hultner Estrada & Bethany Beachum   In the neighborhoods of the most populated cities in Nicaragua, garbage trucks generally pass two times a week. But in the squatter settlements and communities on the outskirts of the cities, the trucks enter to collect trash about every 15-20 days. Imagine the accumulation of waste in the yards, […]