Fatima asked to speak when we were about to leave the room. The heat was extreme under that metallic roof, it was 1:00 pm and the temperature reached 97 º F. “I just need 5 minutes, I have something important to say,” said Fatima while the remaining participants were blowing their faces with a notebook or a handkerchief. But what this girl had to say would cool our hearts in an unexpected way.
Fatima is known as “Dr. Guevara” at the Regional Hospital in Estelí, the fastest growing city in economic and demographic terms in the mountainous region of Nicaragua, 3 hours north of the capital. Fatima is part of younger professionals who work in this busy hospital.
“I have the opportunity to interact with many people every day,” Fatima began, “and whenever I can I try to declare words of life to people, whether they are Christians or not, I always share with them the Word of God, but one these days, someone told me something that left me pensive, that person said: ‘Fatima, when you speak, you say things that leave us speechless, and you have so much knowledge that when you speak people stay silent and have nothing to refute,‘” recounted this young physiotherapist.
But the story does not end there, “those words impacted me very much“, Fatima continued, “I was thinking and came to the conclusion that the things I’ve said and the things I’ve shared with those people are the same things that I have learned here in these trainings, and I want to thank you because it is through what I have learned here that now I’m ministering to a number of people, a good percentage of the population of Estelí.”
Fatima Guevara spoke with the honesty of a humble heart and her comments cooled the atmosphere. “I want to thank the Nehemiah Center for all the time and resources they are investing in us, and I say that they are not wasting their time because I’m sure others of my colleagues here present are also sharing this knowledge with many other people, and so the chain goes on and on,” concluded Fatima with such enthusiasm that made us forget for a moment that sweltering heat.
The enthusiasm of this leader and so many other Christian workers of Estelí, are an inspiration to us, their genuine interest in sharing the good news
of the Kingdom is changing the way many people in Estelí see his own life, his family, his city and the church of Jesus Christ. Thanks to them the Word of God is running and is being glorified.
Nehemiah Center continues to work in the city of Estelí through the programs “Transforming Mission” (focused on youth work) and the Program “Churches and Families”. Thank you for your prayers.