Popular Proverbs & Sayings of Faith
In Nicaragua, we have a saying for everything. Some are funny, others are harsh, and still others are a little hard to interpret, such as the one that says, “The lone ox licks itself well.”
“But these types of proverbs can keep us tethered. I grew up hearing these proverbs and I became accustomed to doing things alone, but also to letting others resolve their problems on their own,” shared Carlos…
Stories that Encourage
Many good things are happening, the seed of the Word is sprouting and in many hearts it is already giving fruit! Yet, we only find out about these wonders when someone decides to share them, and what encouragement it brings to a facilitator, teacher, or pastor upon hearing these testimonies! Perhaps that is the reason […]
New Horizons
Hultner Estrada & Bethany Beachum In the neighborhoods of the most populated cities in Nicaragua, garbage trucks generally pass two times a week. But in the squatter settlements and communities on the outskirts of the cities, the trucks enter to collect trash about every 15-20 days. Imagine the accumulation of waste in the yards, […]