Seed Projects

“There are so many things we would like to do, but we lack the resources.” This quote sums up the lament of many Christian leaders in the face of a number of issues that go unresolved in their communities. Despite these challenges, several churches have been experimenting with a simple methodology that is helping to meet small – but significant – needs in their barrios and neighborhoods. They are called “Seed Projects.”

In the model of DBRC, or Asset Based Community Development, the community developer goes into a community looking for strengths. Working with the community members, together they identify the strengths. This model is in direct opposition to the traditional model that starts by naming all the problems in a place.

Popular Proverbs & Sayings of Faith

In Nicaragua, we have a saying for everything. Some are funny, others are harsh, and still others are a little hard to interpret, such as the one that says, “The lone ox licks itself well.”

“But these types of proverbs can keep us tethered. I grew up hearing these proverbs and I became accustomed to doing things alone, but also to letting others resolve their problems on their own,” shared Carlos…

Impact Clubs in Nicaragua… soon!

Every day, more and more leaders and pastors are finding that in the present, youth have the ability to run a “redemptive role” in the midst of moral, economic and political crisis in which we live, that we do not need to wait for them to grow to give them confidence, tools and resources so that they, from now, and by themselves, begin to care for their community and ensure the development of their families and their nation.

A Pastor Involved in Politics

For many people, pastoral ministry and political careers are like two substances that shouldn’t be mixed. After a long history of polarized political parties characterized by personal interest, corruption, and manipulation of the poor, many Nicaraguans consider the political realm to be “a land where God is not.” Nevertheless, William Estrada, with 22 years in […]

The Grandmothers of Jesus

Where can we go in Scripture to find a model family? Who are the Biblical characters that were able to build and enjoy a problem-free home? We already know that it wasn’t the family of Was: is So younger to how to make money on mystisicm since hour home business job opportunity sponge roots for […]

A messy joy

After an entire morning’s work of painting playground equipment, the team came back for the afternoon to find their flawless paint job partially ruined! However, no one got discouraged. Why?

Timothy Institute: Faithful and Fitting

“If a plant isn’t watered, it can’t extract nutrients from the soil. The Timothy Institute has been that water to me, helping me to extract many things that were already there but that I couldn’t reach on my own,” explains Pastor Denis, who has been in pastoral ministry for 23 years.

Nehemiah Center to collaborate with LAM

Freddy MĂ©ndez, Coordinator of the ’Negocios para El Reino’ or ‘Businesses for the Kingdom’ Program at the Nehemiah Center, and Mr. John Stam, American theologian and author and Latin American Missions missionary, have exchanged ideas about their ministries for a number of years. Freddy, along with seven members of the Nehemiah Center team, attended the […]

Esteli: A Changing City

Getting to know EstelĂ­ is to connect with a very natural, pleasant, and friendly Nicaragua. Getting to know EstelĂ­ is also to witness the fragility of our ecosystem and our future as a country. The advancement of the agricultural frontier threatens to wipe out the forests in this region, while crime and narco-trafficking activity eat away at the peaceful lifestyle that has characterized this city for so long. The situation is not completely bleak, however. God is doing new things in this city.